Dexcriptive search engine listings for better rankings!
Our coding is written to give you personalized TITLE, DESCRPTION & KEYWORDS.
The title will read: Attorney Legal Services in [your city, state] : [your firm]. Practicing in the following areas of law: [your selected practice areas]
For example: "Attorney Legal Services in San Diego, CA : Smith & Jones APLC. Practicing in the following areas of law: Divorce, Probate..."
The description: "Attorney Legal Services: Smith & Jones APLC. Attorneys at Law in San Diego. For legal advice in the following areas of law: Divorce, Probate... "
The keywords will read: ['your practice areas' Attorney/Lawyer in 'your city']:
For example: "Divorce Attorney in San Diego, Divorce Lawyer in San Diego, Probate Attorney in..."
Professional programmers designed our website for maximum search engine exposure.
We are listed in the following search engines...and you can be too!
Hispanic market search engine listings:
Did you know that in February, 2006, there were:
- more than 3,430,000 online searches for the terms "lawyer" and "attorney"
Can you afford to miss out on that many potential paying clients???
(and this doesn't include ALL of the searches)
Increase your search engine presence by listing with!
For as little as $30 per month, you will get 30 descriptive links plus a webpage.
In sum, you will receive the following:
a total of 30 descriptive city listings
- you choose five cities and five practice areas.
In each citie you will be listed in the five practice areas plus the "All Attorneys" group.
(firm name, address, phone, fax, email);
an UPDATABLE webpage on
- providing the firm name, address, phone, fax, email, a link to your website, a list of the same five practice areas and five cities of #1 above, and an updatable 1,000 character description of your law practice provided by you.
And the best part: all the information about your firm is updatable by you!!!
Yes, updatable by you when you want! Need to change your address? your phone number? No problem, you can change it! You can change your email address, your fax number, your website address, you can change it all. Had a brilliant thought last night and want it to be reflected in the 1,000 character updatable space?...change it! Yes, gives you a webpage with updatable information, like no other website does! You can change everything but the 5 cities you choose at signup.
- Search Engine Optimization
Yes, everyone wants to be listed for their chosen keywords. Our programmers designed our site with SEO in mind. As described above, each attorney webpage has the firm name, city, state, and the 5 selected practice areas in its title. The webpage description has the firm name, city, and practice areas. And they keywords area made up of combinations of the words Attorney/Lawyer with the city and practice areas.
What other website offers you this?...none!
Think about it...for as little as $30 a month, roughly the cost of three to five lunches, you will be in front of those millions of eyeballs searching the internet every day.
You will have 30 different legal listings, and each listing is linked to your individual webpage!
That's a total of 31 different listings, with UPDATABLE information, for the cost of a few lunches each month. Does it get any better than that?
Now is the time to establish your presence online. Just as you found this website, potential paying clients will too. Don't wait any longer to get six listing and a webpage on
If your city is not yet listed, it will be automatically added to our database upon your successful payment.
Signup Now!
Want to be listed in more than 5 cities? Send your request to
Each additional city listing (with your same 5 selected practice areas) costs only $5.